Record results for Walworth Students!
GCSE RESULTS – 22/8/24
Hot on the heels of last week’s success at Key Stage 5, Walworth Academy is celebrating record results at GCSE this week! More students than ever before have secured the important benchmark of grades 4 in English and Maths, enabling them to go on to further study. We are absolutely delighted to be retaining more Ark Walworth Academy students than ever into our own sixth form.
Notable achievements came from Ahmed Tamin who achieved seven Grade 9s, the top grade it is possible to achieve, and Zainab Malki who is one step closer to her ambition to study medicine with a portfolio full of top grades.
The school is particularly proud to have made a significant leap in addressing the gap between disadvantaged students and their peers, having reversed that national trend in our own 2024 outcomes. Principal, Ms West, said “exam results stand on the shoulders of the important work done in school to enrich students as rounded citizens. We remain highly committed to social mobility and we are proud to have been recognised with several awards for this work; we look forward to continued success in the coming year!”