Senior Leadership Team
Jessica West
Vice Principal
Ms Episcopo
Vice Principal
Mr McGing
Assistant Principal / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Williams
Assistant Principal
Mr Barnes
Assistant Principal
Ms Nwaogbo
Operations Director
Mrs Miller
Heads of Department
Creative Arts - Art/Drama/Music
Ms Chapman
Ms Morrell
CARES Curriculum
Computer Studies
Mr Amako
Creative Arts - Drama
Ms Chapman
EAL / Literacy
Ms Clark
Head of History
Ms Elmi
Ms Walden
Ms Staddon
Modern Foreign Languages
Ms Digiorgio
Mr Rothwell
Ms Ozantinc
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)
Ms Antscherl
ILRC (Library)
Ms Olawale
Child Protection
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Williams
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Wood
Directors of Progress
Year 11
Mr Kabasele
Year 10
Ms Banseka
Year 9
Mr Gardner
Year 8
Mr Perkins
Year 7
Ms Ball
Sixth Form Team
Director of Sixth Form
Mr Fazackerley
Deputy Director of Sixth form - Academic
Ms Macaulay
Inclusion Co-ordinator Sixth form