University and career success
At Ark Walworth Academy we encourage every student to set their sights high for the future, regardless of their background or individual circumstances. We support our young people to develop the social confidence, self-motivation and clarity of intention to become highly desirable employees of the future. Underpinning this vision are our shared CARES values of Commitment, Aspiration, Resilience, Excellence and Self-Management, which we believe exemplify a successful member of any community.
Our day-to-day academic curriculum builds the fundamental skills needed for a successful career: teamwork, communication, cooperation and problem solving. Alongside this, our students benefit from our dedicated University and Careers Success programme, which focuses on three key areas: developing strong study habits and social skills, exposure to a broad range of employers and higher education institutions, and tailored careers guidance and advice.
The quality and impact of our Pathways and Enrichment programme is closely monitored by the Academy’s Senior Leadership and Governance Teams, with a particular focus on access to opportunities to engage with higher education institutions, as well as technical and vocational training providers.
Our Careers Lead
Earl Perkins
Key activities
Careers advice
All students have access to careers advice and guidance through their tutor, Director of Progress and Mr Fazackerley (Head of Aspirations). All Year 10 and 11 students have a one to one meeting with Ms. Bennett-Wilson (Careers Advisor) each year to plan for their post-16 choices. Sixth Form students benefit from the Next Steps Programme, which provides a deep understanding of future pathways and options, and is supported by individual careers and application advice for all post-19 routes.
Start Profile platform
Start Profile is a careers platform where young people can explore their future options and take control of their own learning and progression. Young people have 24/7 access to the platform both at school and wherever they have an internet connection. The platform provides detailed information about careers and routes into them, as well as live labour market and vacancy information. The platform can be accessed from (Registration code : 32921)
Career Ready platform
All students have access to Career Ready, a platform with lots of free training and resources to build career-related skills. It includes accredited, video-based training modules on key topics such as leadership, communication and resilience. These are created by specialists and feature interactive quizzes and top tips from some of the UK’s biggest companies.There are also lots of interviews with employers and universities which give key insights into the latest apprenticeship and higher education opportunities.
University and employer taster days
All students have the opportunity to attend at least one university taster day each year. On these trips students gain hands-on experience of life at a higher education establishment and become inspired to attend university themselves. Following our university taster days we hold employer visits, helping our young people to make connections between academic success and employability.
University trips have included Cambridge University, the University of Southampton, London Southbank and City University. Employer visits have included Tata Consultancy Services, Deloitte, State Street, London Bridge Station and the Nuclear Industry Association.
Work experience
Ark Walworth Academy is committed to providing every single one of our students with at least a week of work experience in Year 10 and a further week in Year 12. Working with our partners at Southwark Education Business Alliance enables our students to access a variety of local employers to gain invaluable insight into the workplace. Through a deep immersion in the real world of work students see and experience the impact of the vital work ready skills represented by our academy CARES values, meaning that when they return they are better able to appreciate why these values are so critical to their university and careers success.
A levels, BTECs and degrees are not the only options for life after Ark Walworth; apprenticeships are also a great option for many of our leavers. With this in mind, students who show interest in apprenticeships are fully supported and have opportunities to visit potential employers. In 2017 students visited Berkeley Homes, Costain London Bridge Station, MEC Global and ENGIE.
Elephant Project
15% of secondary school pupils in the UK are eligible for Free School Meals, but these students make up only 2% of the intake at top third universities. The Elephant Project seeks to address this by providing volunteer subject tutors who work with students one-to-one. Thanks to this additional support, students are able to boost their grades and make competitive university applications.
Into University
Students across each year group work with the charity Into University on their secondary school FOCUS Programme. This unique programme offers young people immersive learning experiences focused on single topic or subject area. It includes workshops, holiday FOCUS activities, 'Extending Horizons' weekends away and after-school 'Careers-in-FOCUS' sessions. All FOCUS provision concludes with a graduation ceremony including certificates and a celebration of the young people’s achievements.
Find out more about the programme here.
Year 10 Work Experience Form
What to do post 16?

What to do post 18?

